Calamateur 2010

December 30, 2010

This past year has been another busy one on the music front 🙂

In May I put out my third album, ‘Each Dirty Letter’:

Each Dirty Letter

It was the first collection of songs I’d put out that wasn’t self-produced (this amazing guy did it). I’m really proud of it as an album and a lot of other people seemed to like it too.

In August I released a single from the album called ‘Banoffee’:

It was backed by three covers, including a version of The Flaming Lips’ ‘Feeling Yourself Disintegrate’ which was played by BBC 6Music.

In the process of promoting the album I played a handful of gigs (including two with the uber-talented Iain Morrison) as well as a couple of radio sessions, including this one on MFR:

I was also interviewed by Shadders Online, Cross Rhythms and Peenko.


In other news, DUFI finished their short film about the Inverness Street Texts Project which I provided the soundtrack for:

I mixed a couple of tracks, Roddy MacIsaac and An Ann Air Mhire Tha Sibh, for Iain Morrison’s incredible album ‘Trust the Sea to Guide Me’ which came out in April:

Trust the Sea to Guide Me

And I also re-released my entire back catalogue via the wonderful Bandcamp:

And that’s it!


The longer I do this music lark, the more I realise it’s about connecting with other people – whether it be with musical collaborators and/or listeners. So, if I made music with you this year, or if you bought a CD, download or t-shirt, came to a gig, helped spread the word via Facebook, Twitter, blog or plain old-fashioned word of mouth, sent me an encouraging email or just gave my songs a listen – THANK YOU 🙂

There will be more Calamateur to come in 2011. But first, there’s a house-move to be getting on with, a new home studio to be set up, and a heap of painting and decorating to be done. When the dust has settled after that, more music will be on the way.

Thanks for reading and for all your support.